
We want you to be entirely happy with your purchase.

In the unlikely event that you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 Days of receipt and receive a free replacement or full refund (less Shipping).

But before you return anything to us please check in with our Customer Service Department.

E-mail with the following information:

  1. Your Order number along with your full name
  2. The item number (s) you wish to return – ie: WS516
  3. Please let us know why you want to return them – ie: wrong item delivered, item damaged, item the wrong size etc.
  4. Let us know what action you would like us take – ie: replace or refund

Our customer service department will e-mail you with a Return Authorisation Number and give you instructions of how to return the item to us.

Please use the original packaging (tube or box) to return the item to us and please include the Packing List.

Once we have received your returned item(s), we will notify you via e-mail of your refund.

You can expect a refund in the same form of payment originally used for purchase within 14 business days of our receiving your return.

If your return is not due to our error, we will deduct the shipping costs from your refund.